A Hitachi Kiyora 5400X 2.0 TR - RMA524CBEA is a system that cools down the water and keeps it at the right temperature so it can be stored and reused. If you are looking for the best AC system in India, then choose the Hitachi split. Hitachi split AC system provides high efficiency and comes with high-quality material. Below is the price and feature of this 4-door freezer model.
Price: Rs. 84,060
Key Features:
- 100% Inner Grooved Copper Tube
- SuperSlit Fins
- Stabiliser Free Operation
- Tropical Design
- Penta Sensor
For more information, visit the Hitachi Aircon website. https://buy.hitachiaircon.in/e-shop/product-details/hitachi-kiyora-5400x-2-0-rma524cbea-tr/378
Hitachi Kiyora 5400X 2.0 TR - RMA524CBEA